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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Report on the GOP Fundraiser

Via Rush Limbaugh:

RUSH: This is Gary in Herndon, Virginia. Thank you for waiting, sir, and hello.

CALLER: Hello. Thank you for taking my call, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I wanted to give you an on-site report from the Republican House-Senate event last night, a couple of quick observations. By the way, that Jon Voight speech was the best speech of the night. He was incredible.

RUSH: I've got some e-mails about that speech. I didn't see the event, what was I doing last night?

CALLER: If you were there we would have seen you.

RUSH: Yeah, I can't tell you what I was doing last night, but I've gotten a lot of e-mails about it.

CALLER: Yeah, that was the highlight even though it came early, and Sarah Palin got the loudest applause even though a lot of people didn't know she was there. She was referred to vis-a-vis the current vice president and --

RUSH: Yep, CNN said she stole the show, and I guarantee you that half that room was cringing when that happened.

CALLER: Yeah, you're right, you're right.

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