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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Speaker to the Muslim world

Mark Steyn comments on Obama's speech in Cairo. it's all good, but this part was arresting ...
Overseas, the coolest president in history was giving a speech. Or, as the official press release headlined it on the State Department Web site, "President Obama Speaks To The Muslim World From Cairo."

Let's pause right there: It's interesting how easily the words "the Muslim world" roll off the tongues of liberal secular progressives who'd choke on any equivalent reference to "the Christian world." When such hyperalert policemen of the perimeter between church and state endorse the former but not the latter, they're implicitly acknowledging that Islam is not merely a faith but a political project, too.
Although the Left would vigorously deny it.

1 comment:

thisishabitforming said...

Random thoughts:
Quote Obama the Christian, America is not a Christian nation, but is are one of the largest Muslim nations.

Why isn't Barry considered apostate since rejecting his Muslim roots for the Christian religion. Maybe they know something we don't know.

Hillary Clinton, a NOW sympathizer if ever there was one, as a woman wears a stupid head scarf so not to offend her hosts. And nary a word from her about the horror of being a woman in the Islamic world.

Would Barry and Hill tour a Christian Chathedral with such wonder and stars in their eyes.

If Muslims are so smart and if they invented Algebra, and the printing press, etc, (Barry reads different history books than me) why are most Muslim countries not quite as prosperous as America which became prosperous as a Christian nation. Although now that Barry has declared America not a Christian nation America's economy is in the tank. Wonder if there is a correlation there.