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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Why can't we use the term "socialist" about the present government?

Classical Values points out that "socialism" is such a discredited term that now that the government is taking over banking, the auto industry, insurance and perhaps even states like California (some time in the not too distant future) we dare not use the term lest we be labelled kooks.

A question which has been plaguing me lately is whether it is possible to have a legitimate debate over socialism without sounding like a rabid, hysterical, over-the-top, far-right conspiracy theorist....

Sorry, but this avoids an important issue. At what point can nationalization be said to have taken place? By what standard is government ownership of 72% of a company less than "true" socialism? ...

What does Government Motors say about the direction of the United States?

Historically, we don't own car companies -- or banks or insurance firms. But we do now. Tick them off on your fingers: GM, Citi, AIG. Oh, and let's not forget Fannie and Freddie, those big, quasi-government, taxpayer-owned housing agencies. California is broke and likely headed to bankruptcy. Will we the taxpayers own that, too?

Altogether, we're talking about hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars that will never be repaid. This is the stuff the Italians used to do, and the Brits before Margaret Thatcher, and the Soviets a long time ago. But it's something very new and very different for America.

1 comment:

Francis W. Porretto said...

We're looking at an attempt to impose Newspeak -- the language designed specifically to narrow the range of thought -- on the American people.

Can't call 'em fascists, even though they're State worshippers who believe the authority they wield is unbounded.

Can't call 'em socialists, even though they seek to nationalize the finance industry, the insurance industry, the auto industry, the health care industry, and God alone knows what else.

What terms remain that accurately characterize the thugs who seek to "remake America?"

"We are one people, one nation, and the time for change has come!" -- Barack Hussein Obama.

"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer!" -- Adolph Hitler.