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Monday, January 06, 2014

Obama's TV Watch

In a neat essay The Presidential Boob Tube, Bud Norman comments on the NY Slimes admiration for President Obama's leisure time activities.  It's worth while going there to read the whole thing, but here's something we can agree with wholeheartedly.

Perhaps it is heartening that the president isn’t indulging in “Green Acres” and “Sea Hunt” through the old rabbit ears in the early morning hours, but we can’t help being worried by what a dedicated couch potato they president seems to be. Each of the president’s favorite programs are sprawling epics that require considerable time, and we’ve binge-watched just enough of them to know how they can cut deeply into a working day. Dishes have gone unwashed and floors unswept around here as a result of old premium cable series on Netflix, and it is therefore worrisome to think that the far more consequential chores of a president might go undone as a result of a television addiction. Elsewhere in The Times we are told that the president’s unprecedented presidential golf habit is “Carrying On a Presidential Tradition, One Leisurely Round at a Time,” as if Obama’s time on the links somehow makes him another Eisenhower, but it cannot dispel a nagging suspicion that Obama isn’t quite the workaholic one might want in the Oval Office.

"...a nagging suspicion that Obama isn't quite the workaholic one might want in the Oval Office." Lord yes, think of the damage he could do if he worked at it.

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