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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The curious largesse of Norman Hsu

From the Washington D.C. Examiner:

It is surely among the most astonishing developments of the present campaign season that Norman Hsu, a star Democratic fundraiser, has been on the lam for 15 years after pleading no contest to felony grand theft charges. He faced a three-year California prison sentence when he fled America.
Considering the many contact points between the 1996 Clinton re-election campaign and Chinese-connected donors like Johnny Chang, federal officials should get some credible answers about Hsu’s activities during those years before he landed in Manhattan rubbing elbows with the bright lights of Democratic politics.

This is doubly important because it is hard to find a leading light among the Democrats who hasn’t benefited from Hsu’s seemingly boundless largesse. New York blogger Flip Pidot of went beyond FEC data to the National Institute on Money in State Politics and various municipal databases to total Hsu contributions. He came up with nearly $1.6 million in donations, all to Democrats and Democratic organizations.

It now turns out that Norman Hsu has skipped out on this latest court appearance, abandoning a $2 million bond. How can he afford this unless he is an agent of a foreign government? I come back to my original question: what is the source of Hsu's money?

By the way, 99.94% of the recipients of his largess are Democrats.

The NY Times, of course, makes Hillary Clinton the victim. Hillary is always the victim. She's the victim of her husband's philandering. She's the victim of the Right Wing Conspiracy. Now she's the innocent victim of Norman Hsu who forced millions of dollars on poor unsuspecting Democrat office holders. We can't let anyone who is this accident prone to become President.

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