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Thursday, September 06, 2012

God, Women, and the Democrats

Bud Norman summarizes the second day of the Democrats' convention. A few highlights:

The highlight, thus far, was when a significant number of the assembled delegates booed God. ...Sen. Dick Durbin reacting to an interviewer’s seemingly innocent question about the matter as if the Spanish Inquisition were interrogating him...

The Democrats can now insist that they officially have nothing against God, although if pressed they’d have to say that He is no Barack Obama ...

Fluke’s speech was part of the convention’s emphasis on issues of importance to women. Judging by the Democratic convention one might conclude that women are mostly interested in abortion, birth control, and sexual freedom, but in our unfortunate experience they seem far more interested in their jobs.

In keeping with the theme of how much Democrats love women, the convention followed up its tribute to Ted Kennedy with a much ballyhooed speech by serial sexual harasser and alleged rapist Bill Clinton.

Read the whole thing.

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