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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

CURL: The cost of a NYC weekend

A look at the weekend outing by the Obamas.
In another odd twist left unexamined by the media, the White House on Monday said it simply would not release the cost of President Obama's weekend jaunt to New York City, where the First Couple had dinner and caught a Broadway show.

Spokesman Robert Gibbs, keeping the White House press corps in stiches, as he always does, said the Obamas would have preferred using a commercial airline shuttle to New York and back, but the Secret Service would not allow such unprotected travel (ba da bing).

And that was that. No further probing; asked and answered; time to move on.

There was, of course, an ironic element of the trip. In February, Obama scolded corporate executives (while also costing Las Vegas some $130 million) when he said: "You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime."

But the Chief Executive (Oval) Officer had made a promise to his good wife that after the campaign, they'd take in a Broadway show, and darn it, he meant to keep that promise.

Read the whole thing.

And this by Breitbart.

And how much shit can Chris Matthews shovel? Watch and decide. Taking your wife for a million dollar date at the public's expense while major US companies are going bankrupt is a good thing, Chris?

1 comment:

thisishabitforming said...

As for Chris Matthews who again proves himself a idiot, sure the president can take his wife to Broadway any time he wants. If he were a real man he would do it on his own dime, not the tax payer's. Using someone's else's money, yours and mine, makes him a cheap leach.

I'm so glad Bloomberg is happy with Obama as an ad campaign for New York. So evidently New York is good but Las Vegas is bad?