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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Thomas Sowell: On Sotomayor and racism

From Townhall:

Sowell makes the point that struggling to reach the top does not make you a better person, sometimes it makes you bitter...
What does it say about her qualifications to be on the Supreme Court when her supporters' biggest talking points are that she had to struggle to rise in the world?

Bonnie and Clyde had to struggle. Al Capone had to struggle. The only President of the United States who was forced to resign for his misdeeds-- Richard Nixon-- had to struggle. For that matter, Adolf Hitler had to struggle! There is no evidence that struggle automatically makes you a better person.

Sometimes, instead of making you appreciative of a society in which someone born at the bottom can rise to the top, it leaves you embittered that you had to spend years struggling, and resentful of those who were born into circumstances where the easy way to the top was open to them.

Black racism, or brown racism or yellow racism is no less repellent than white racism ...
Sonia Sotomayor has, in both her words and in her decision as a judge to dismiss out of hand the appeal of white firefighters who had been discriminated against, betrayed a racism that is no less racism because it is directed against different people than the old racism of the past.

It was the judiciary all by itself that changed the civil rights act into a licence to discriminate ...

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was being debated in Congress, its opponents claimed that it would lead to discrimination against white people. Its supporters declared that it meant no such thing and added new provisions to make sure that it meant no such thing. That was the law that was passed.

It was not the law, but the judges, who changed equal rights into special rights and thereby set the stage for the new mantra of "diversity" that trumps equal rights. Diversity was Judge Sotomayor's rationale for going along with the denial of equal rights for white firefighters in Connecticut.

Thomas Sowell is black, a black conservative. As such he will be dismissed by the black race hustlers and the white liberals who define racism as the everlasting sin of white people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

when you climb the mountain in search of the proverbial all-wise sage, sitting at the top will be Mr. Sowell