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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

'A portion of the hardcore left thinks Wright and Ayers are a feature, not a bug.'

From NRO:
This comment over at Hot Air resonated with me:

It’s always fun to switch Democrats with Republicans in the same situation and imagine what the media would be saying, but with the Obama campaign, it’s become more head-popping than a Kafka play. Imagine John McCain was discovered to have been attending the Westboro Baptist Church for 20 years, and responded by giving a speech about how Fred Phelps is a part of the American experience, a man he could no more disown than he could disown the entire white community. Imagine the majority of white Americans sitting quietly by as Phelps is declared one of their most important voices, and rewarding McCain with only slightly diminished poll numbers. A few weeks later, Phelps gives an interview accusing McCain of being a disingenuous politician, which makes an angry McCain completely reverse his previous excuses and finally denounce his hateful pastor - to a thunderous round of media applause and loud calls to let the story die. Around the same time, we begin seeing pictures of McCain’s old friend, an abortion clinic bomber, tap-dancing on an American flag. The media responds by yawning and suggesting McCain’s primary opponent should drop out of the race so we can get back to “the issues…” You can’t do it.

No matter how good your imagination is, your mind’s eye ends up bloodshot and blurry before you get halfway through the scenario. The Democrats are hungry for power and eager to forgive the Messiah, the media is eager to polish his shoes, and a portion of the hardcore left thinks Wright and Ayers are a feature, not a bug… but I have to think normal Americans are going to recoil from the Dem ticket in horror this year.

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