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Monday, May 05, 2008

What to do it you defended Wright before.

The defenders of Jerry Wright, including Obama, who decried the use of "snippets" form his sermons; are they now embarrassed? Will they now admit they were wrong?


P.S. On the "right-wing freak show" [Victor Davis Hanson]

Likewise for the last six weeks too many prominent African-American politicians, intellectuals, professors, and ministers chose to defend Wright on the airwaves (e.g., by defining Dr. King down, by evoking 'black liberation' theology, by straining to find false credence for his lunantic theories on AIDs, 9/11, etc.) before Wright cut their legs out from under them all by confirming the supposed past snippets were hardly that, but fair representations of what he stands for, by giving a racist speech on brain chemistry and genetics, and by his sinister effort to undermine their candidate. Again, all that was not the "right wing freak show" but the logical dividends from the investment of Obama & Co.

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