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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Where Reverend Wright is Really Right

Doug Giles in makes the point that Rev. Wright has this in common with the all the so-called "Black Leaders:" when he is questioned about his more outrageous statements he doesn't back down.

No, Reverend Jeremiah Wright hasn’t hoodwinked me with his fiery flapdoodle from this past week’s press briefing. Yes, I still think the guy is certifiable. Listening to Wright last Monday at the National Press Club was like listening to Charles Manson during one of his parole hearings; the guy’s frickin’ insane! He’s whacked. His worldview is a bit, let’s say . . . skewed. I put what Wright said on Monday right up there with Paula Abdul’s blather on Tuesday’s Idol for the “What the Hell?” TV clip of the week.

Having said that, I’ve got to give Jerry his due for not backing down from his point of view, unlike Barry and Michelle. Yep, this guy actually believes the white devil-inspired US government put AIDS on black people’s sandwiches, that Farrakhan is funkalicious, and the USA is a terrorist state. He’s sold on it. He didn’t give an inch when queried. He stood there with unction . . . his hands on his hips . . . finger wagging . . . and in full throttle animation letting us all know in a no-ifs-ands-or-buts-about-it way that he owns those beliefs. He’s down with it, mama!

As I said, it's a characteristic of "Black Leaders," and make no mistake about it, Wright is a "Black Leader." When was the last time you heard Sharpton or Farrakhan retract anything they said?

Louis Farrakhan (born Louis Eugene Walcott)

Farrakhan’s bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric has included statements calling whites “blue eyed devils” and Jews “bloodsuckers” that controlled the slave trade, the government, the media and various Black individuals and organizations.

Al Sharpton:
In 1987, a 15-year-old black girl named Tawana Brawley went missing and was found four days later covered in dog feces and with racial slurs written on her body. She claimed that at least two and possibly six white men, one of them carrying a badge, had repeatedly raped her in the woods in upstate New York.

Brawley refused to speak with authorities or the media, but Sharpton and her two other advisers were soon making wild claims. Sharpton compared then-state Attorney General Robert Abrams, a Jew, to Adolf Hitler. All three linked then-Gov. Mario Cuomo to organized crime and the Ku Klux Klan.

Sharpton still says he believes Brawley. He has gone on from there to making race baiting remarks that led, among other things, to the murder of a white shopkeeper.

An exception is Jesse Jackson:

Jackson, in an interview with a black reporter, referred to Jews as “Hymies’ and New York as “Hymieown” thinking that the “brother” would cover for his anti-Semitism. When his remarks were published he first denied them, then accused Jews of trying to destroy him. It is reported that he finally apologized although his anti-Semitism is deep rooted:
Among Jackson's other remarks were that Richard Nixon was less attentive to poverty in the U.S. because "four out of five [of Nixon's top advisors] are German Jews and their priorities are on Europe and Asia"; that he was "sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust"; and that there are "very few Jewish reporters that have the capacity to be objective about Arab affairs".

But Back to Mr. Wright:

Another thing that was cosmically clear was that Wright didn’t arrive at this place of conviction overnight; he’s been stewing in these anti-American juices for many years. Like, at least 20. Which left me believing that Obama has been lying through his Lumineers to us cattle all along about having no idea Wright’s worldview was so, so rancid.

Think about it: If Wright is bold enough to bray his beliefs to the nation, then—call me goofy—I suspect he has let his sentiments show in Obama’s presence at least a time or two over the last two decades, which is enough for a sane person, like Obama purports to be, to freak. Is that a stretch? Look, if we didn’t see Wright silent and bashful in public then I bet we can take to the bank that he’s even more entertaining amongst his protégés in private with this ripe applesauce. What do you think?

C’mon, Barack, there’s no way you did not know what was brewing in Wright’s brain in regard to his overt racism, or his love of Louis, or Jeremiah’s jeremiad against the USofA. You know you knew, Barry. One, as close as you confessed to have been to this cleric you could not but know that Wright is on fire—I said, he is on fire, muy caliente mucho fuego—with his beliefs. This leaves your current abhorrence of your mentor a little suspicious, Barack. Like in . . . please, save it man. Go sell crazy somewhere else and don’t insult us (again) with the too little, too late denial and feigned disdain. It appears that the pastor you used to prop up your political career has come home to roost—on your head. You forgot the old maxim, Obama, that if they make you, they can break you. Fo’ shizzle . . .

Now, where was Jeremiah right? He was right not in his take on the state of our union but in regarding the character of his former disciple, namely that Obama is a liar . . . or a politician, as Wright put it. Yes, the Rev was right in showing us all that Barack is not our hope, he’s not an agent of change, he’s not a fresh wind blowing inside the Beltway; he’s simply a run-of-the-mill politician, nothing more, nothing less, who will do whatever it takes, say whatever it takes, and skin whoever it takes to have his dream come true of becoming the center of the universe. And it is here, my dears, where the reverend Wright was spot on.

If I were Jackson, Sharpton or Farrakhan I would be worried because Wright is gunning for the position of "Top Dog" in the "Black Leader" category.

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