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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Feds Look Closer at Cash Source in McAuliffe Car Scam

Here's something that won't get the attention of the writers and editors of the Virginian Pilot.  It appears that Terry McCauliffe, presumptive Democrat nominee for Governor of Virginia is involved in a very shady scam in a federal program that awards U.S. citizenship to foreigners in exchange for business investments.
A Watchdog investigation found that Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and a brother of Hillary Clinton used a similar EB-5 operation to raise cash from foreigners in order to launch a new automobile manufacturing company. A financial adviser calls the McAuliffe operation a fraud.
Read more.  But don't expect to find out more in the Virginian Pilot.  They're too busy accusing Republicans of being crooks.

1 comment:

Indy said...

As I understand the Breitbart article you linked to, some 29 year old guy in Chicago bilked a bunch of asian people out of millions of dollars, partially using an obscure immigration program.

Then, they spend some time mixing details of the fraudulent criminal case in with details about Terry and the Clinton relative, who have an evidently moribund quasi-corporation that has participated in the same program.

McCulliffe is a neoliberal scumbag who I don't like, but I don't like him because of all the stuff he'll do in the plain light of day. This article, like most of Breitbart, is basically a sad attempt at a smear job.