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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Voter fraud

There are three points to be made about voter fraud. First, as James O'Keefe has shown in his incredibly revealing videos, voter fraud is incredibly easy. Time and time again he and his associates are handed ballots by poll workers who insist that identification is not necessary. In one instance, they were given a ballot to vote in a primary election pretending to be attorney general Eric Holder.

Second, John Hinderaker points out that
“It is an article of faith on the Left that there is no evidence of significant voter fraud. This is false; here in Minnesota, to name just one state, investigators have uncovered a large number of incidents of fraud.”

The third point is also made by Hinderaker:
“ … to the extent that not a lot of ballots are proved to be fraudulent, why is that? Obviously, when no effort is made to enforce the law, not many lawbreakers will be caught. That is basically what is going on today. Lax laws make fraud easy. Given that in Democrat-controlled states there is no effort to monitor ballot integrity, how would perpetrators ever be caught?”

Absolutely right. In this country we have a secret ballot. How can anyone prove which votes were cast by people who are not eligible to vote? Voter turn-out in the 2008 election was 63%. That means that if you simply used a telephone directory to commit voter fraud you had a 4 in 10 change of not being detected. If you used the newspaper obituaries your chances of voting illegally increased greatly.

And what is the penalty if an alert poll worker catches someone voting who is not eligible? Nothing. Because voter fraud is so difficult to determine after a ballot has been cast, identification is necessary to protect the integrity of the vote.

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