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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Paul Ryan: Obama creating ‘government-centered society’ of ‘debt and decline’

Viewing the economy from the perspective of Washington, it’s natural that the government and its policies should be viewed as having such a major impact on the country. And make no mistake, it does. But the one thing that makes me hopeful for America’s future is that the Obama administration has failed on so many levels that people are beginning to realize that overwhelming government is failed government. Overwhelming government is not just failed government but incredibly expensive, wasteful, intrusive, counterproductive, dangerous-to-your-health government. Overwhelming government is government of failed foreign policies and wasteful wars abroad and death panels and sky-high gasoline prices at home. Overwhelming government is government that breeds sycophants like rabbits because of an endless supply of money and subsidies.

Americans are better than that. There are still enough people for whom raw animal spirits and desire for independence causes the economy to grow. Grow anemically to be sure but to grow despite government policies that have a heavy foot on the brake of growth. Despite an EPA that works to eliminate the plants that produce over half our electricity, despite government policies that seek to inhibit domestic energy supplies. Despite government bureaucrats that relish the thought of crucifying random energy producers to bring the rest of them into line.

America deserves a government that’s as good as its people.

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