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Saturday, May 05, 2012

Souther Poverty Law Center responds to questions about covering "Occupy" violence.

Via Powerline
“We’re not really set up to cover the extreme Left.”
Charles Cooke called them us and was told that they only cover the Left when the Left is infiltrated by the Right:
I left it there, but I couldn’t help feeling that there was a little bit of a syllogism going on; that being that “Left” equals “good,” and “Right” equals “bad,” and therefore anything “Left” couldn’t be “bad” unless it were infiltrated by the “Right.” In my time covering Occupy Wall Street I have seen anti-Semitism, black nationalism, class hatred, and threats of violence; there have been rapes, a few murders, and now some domestic terrorism. One would have thought that these things would be sufficient warrant for a group like the Southern Poverty Law Center to stand up and take serious note, but, as I learned yesterday, there’s one problem: They’re just “not set up to cover the extreme Left.”

1 comment:

RJIII said...

They're not set up to report on their students and significant others and all that entails.