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Monday, August 04, 2008

The Barack Bubble

David R. Stokes @
No one, not even Barack “The Man Promising Personalized Pieces of Blue Sky” Obama, can possibly sustain the level of near universal affection and acclaim indefinitely. Human glory tends to be a fleeting thing - especially the political variety. In fact, the issue is not if Obama’s bubble will burst, but rather – when.

And when it does, there will be a lot of unhappy American campers.

There is a saying: “Motivation without implementation produces frustration.” In the political arena this means that when someone inspires people without eventually following through, the result is significant disenchantment. Barack Obama’s style over substance campaign is very much a bipolar candidacy. We are seeing the manic phase now.

Stay tuned for the depressive future.

People are fickle and the bigger the bubble the bigger the mess when it inevitably bursts. Barack Obama is riding high now, and he carries the hopes and dreams of millions who have bought into the notion of nonspecific change. But he will sooner or later descend from the heights according to the political law of gravity. And when he falls to earth there may be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

It would be infinitely better if the Barack bubble could somehow dissipate during the campaign, long before it threatens to leave soapy residue on the Oval Office floor – not to mention everywhere else.

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