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Sunday, August 03, 2008

International Herald Tribune (owned by the NY Slimes) is so far in the tank they can't see daylight.

How’s this for a headline?

McCain joins Obama on offshore drilling.

Who the hell joined who?

John McCain has been proposing offshore drilling for more oil and natural gas for months. In the meantime the Democrats in congress have stymied every attempt to increase oil exploration and production in America. In fact they blew town and turned off the lights to avoid having to vote on the issue.

Then on Saturday, Obama reversed field and claimed to be in favor of increased offshore drilling. He had to, the issue was killing him with voters fed up with $4 per gallon gasoline and who did not believe the hype that wind or sunlight or biofuels were going to be powering their cars any time soon.

So who joined who on offshore drilling?

But I’m rather glad this headline ran. The Drive-by-media has lost the power to set the agenda. Talk radio, the internet and the countless cable TV channels have opend the American people up to a multiplicity of information sources.

That’s why despite the MSM’s best efforts Obama’s world tour has not given him a bump in the polls; the people saw it for the publicity stunt that it was and were not impressed.

That’s why most people believe (according to Rasmussen) that Obama played the race card with his “Dollar Bill” comments, and that Mc Cain’s response ads are not racist.

But they continue to try, and the harder they try, the more the people turn away from them.

Keep talking Barack.

Keep writing lying headlines MSM.

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